# iepay-sdk

Iepay PHP SDK version 3.x APIs.

# Installation / 安装

composer require iepay/iepay-sdk

# Usage / 使用方法

# Add environment config / 添加环境变量



# Add namespace / 添加文件命名空间

use IEPaySDK\Payment;

# Payment / 支付

$paymentType = 'IE0012';			// Payment Type see types table (支付类别,参考支付类别表)
$orderId = '20220210001';			// Your order id (随机生成的订单号)
$amount = 100;						// Cent (分)
$subject = 'test subject';			// Item subject (商品标题)
$details = 'test details';			// Item details (商品详情)
$response = Payment::make($paymentType)->payment($orderId, $amount, $subject, $details);

# Customise return URL or notify URL / 自定义返回链接

$returnUrl = 'https://xxx.xxx.xxx/return';
$notifyUrl = 'https://xxx.xxx.xxx/notify';
$response = Payment::make($paymentType, $returnUrl, $notifyUrl)->payment($orderId, $amount, $subject, $details);

# Response / 返回值

    "success": true,
    "status": true,
    "error_code": 0,
    "message": "OK",
    "data": {
        "pay_type": "IE0012",
        "pay_type_str": "Alipay Web",
        "out_trade_no": "20220210001",
        "trade_no": null,
        "amount": 102,
        "status": 0,
        "status_str": "Unpay",
        "pay_url": "https://intlmapi.alipay.com/gateway.do?xxxxxxxx=xxxxxxxx&xxxxxxxx=xxxxxxxx"
    "success": true,
    "status": true,
    "error_code": 0,
    "message": "OK",
    "data": {
        "pay_type": "IE0026",
        "pay_type_str": "Wechat Mini",
        "out_trade_no": "20220210001",
        "trade_no": null,
        "amount": 102,
        "status": 0,
        "status_str": "Unpay",
        "pay_param": {
            "appId": "wx123123",
            "timeStamp": 1644978320,
            "nonceStr": "cpxg8dl123123mi4oysnfx",
            "package": "prepay_id=wx123456",
            "signType": "MD5",
            "paySign": "96DB44xxxxxxxxxxx"
        "pay_url": null

# Query / 查询

$paymentType = 'IE0012';			// Payment Type see types table (支付类别,参考支付类别表)
$orderId = '20220210001';			// Your order id (需要查询的订单号)
$response = Payment::make($paymentType)->query($orderId);

# Response / 返回值

    "success": true,
    "status": true,
    "error_code": 0,
    "message": "OK",
    "data": {
        "pay_type": "IE0061",
        "pay_type_str": "Windcave Host Page Payment",
        "out_trade_no": "20220210005",
        "trade_no": "000001011336275001f9e4140da76641",
        "amount": 101,
        "status": 1,
        "status_str": "Paid",
        "refunded_amount": 0,
        "pay_url": "https://sec.windcave.com/pxmi3/F7F7CF323F53968E56CA0650BE713B347D965FA2CC2827399D145DE371986332500051BD83B6BCC7B8D21D53BAB554800"
    "success": true,
    "status": true,
    "error_code": 0,
    "message": "OK",
    "data": {
        "pay_type": "IE0026",
        "pay_type_str": "Wechat Mini",
        "out_trade_no": "20220210001",
        "trade_no": null,
        "amount": 102,
        "status": 0,
        "status_str": "Unpay",
        "pay_param": {
            "appId": "wx123123",
            "timeStamp": 1644978320,
            "nonceStr": "cpxg8dl123123mi4oysnfx",
            "package": "prepay_id=wx123456",
            "signType": "MD5",
            "paySign": "96DB44xxxxxxxxxxx"
        "pay_url": null

# Refund / 退款

$paymentType = 'IE0012';			// Payment Type see types table (支付类别,参考支付类别表)
$orderId = '20220210001';			// Your order id (需要退款的订单号)
$amount = 100;						// Cent (分)
$response = Payment::make($paymentType)->refund($orderId, $amount);

# Response / 返回值

    "success": true,
    "status": true,
    "error_code": 0,
    "message": "OK",
    "data": {
        "pay_type": "IE0061",
        "pay_type_str": "Windcave Host Page Payment",
        "out_trade_no": "20220210005",
        "trade_no": "000001011336275001f9e4140da76641",
        "amount": 101,
        "status": 2,
        "status_str": "Refund",
        "refunded": 10

# Pay Type Table / 支付类别表

Code Pay Types Desc Status
IE0012 Alipay Online PC Qrcode 支付宝PC二维码(PC收银页面) 已开通
IE0013 Alipay Online Wap Qrcode 支付宝H5手机端二维码(Wap 收银页面) 已开通
IE0015 Alipay App Direct 支付宝In-APP支付(native开发,需接入支付宝APP-SDK) 已开通
IE0021 Wechat PC Qrcode 微信PC二维码 已开通
IE0022 Wechat Wap Qrcode 微信WAP支付 已开通
IE0025 Wechat App Direct 微信In-APP支付 已开通
IE0026 Wechat Mini Direct 微信小程序支付 已开通
IE0027 Wechat H5 微信外h5唤起微信支付 已开通
IE0036 Union Secure Online Payment 银联Secure线上支付 新开通
IE0041 POLI Pay POLI PC 支付 已开通
IE0061 Windcave Host Page Payment Windcave PC 支付 即将开通


# WeChat Pay H5 Payment (Type IE0027) Configuration Instructions

When using the WeChat Pay H5 payment feature, please follow these configuration requirements:

  1. Domain Configuration:

    • Provide the domain from which the payment is initiated to the operations team for configuration.
    • The domain should not include http or https, for example: xxx.qq.com.
  2. H5 Page Configuration:

    • Provide the URL of the H5 page that displays the product information to the operations team for configuration.
    • This page must contain detailed product or service information.
    • Ensure that the page URL can be accessed independently outside of WeChat; otherwise, it will not pass the review.

Please adhere strictly to the above requirements to ensure the proper functioning of the WeChat Pay H5 payment feature.